Projects with this topic
Shared GitLab CI templates
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This repo hosts a collection of CI/CD template files for maintenance, deployment, and build jobs.
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Publish Markdown and DOCX documents to Azure DevOps Wiki.
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Generic pipeline library for Jenkins
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Semesterarbeit Klasse ITCNE23 – 4. Semesterarbeit
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Créer un pipeline permettant de builder, de tester et déployer une application
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Ce lab est une introduction à GITLAB CI. Il présente les objectifs de Gitlab CI et initie également aux pipelines… Il se termine par un petit cas pratique d’introduction à Gitlab CI.
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GitLab CI configuration files which can be included in other projects to create pipeline jobs
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A workflow for gene families and tandemly arrayed genes detection
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A repository for all weird pipelines I created. Maybe they can be of help to somebody someday :)
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script to deploy your data to zenodo providing automatic workflow via ci pipeline
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Deploy from GitLab to Clever Cloud
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Simplify your gitlab pipelines with GitLabCI templates ! 🥰
With this collection of useful templates and includes for gitlab-ci.
⚠ ️ Not ready for production🚨 Updated -
GxMMx Flow Core is a Python package for Flow's core functionality.
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Outflow is a framework that helps you create and execute sequential, parallel as well as distributed task workflows.
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CI/CD component for PHP