Projects with this topic
Script for syncing various repos (CentOS, Redhat, Ubuntu, etc.)
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SlimContext is a tool to prepare code and repo files for use in Generative AI.
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[github mirror] apkrepotool - manage APK repos
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The Multiple Git Repository Tool
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RStudio IDE AUR packages repository. Repo URL:
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Builds a static pub server from the package you develop, enabling you to provide continuous delivery of your bleeding edge dart package builds.
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Dylan's Alpine Linux repo
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Just a lib for parsing and serializing back APT sources.list
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Here lieth the code that runs the Locust front end (Horde).
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Trying to imagine new look and feel for Hel project
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Documentation for the project
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A sample project to show how to deploy artefacts on an Amazon S3 Maven private repo.
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Template to turn a github release archive into an rpm for a given version and architecture, using deployctl to push to the repository