Projects with this topic
Open source portfolio app (Android, Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger2, Retrofit2, RxJava, Kotlin Coroutines, Data Binding, CI/CD) App shows network connection information (external/internal IP's, ISP name and location) and performs download/upload speed test.
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The "queens" puzzle in Scala programming language
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This is a very lightweight library that handles a lot of the boilerplate for implementing MVI, CLEAN architecture, and REST / GraphQL API network call error handling.
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Project used for our Annual Project work as a mobile application for our users platform.
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In this project, I learned how to use Retrofit to make a network call. I have an open API for movie rating and displayed a list of movies in recycler view. By clicking on a particular movie, the user gets detailed info on the next screen.
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In this project I have a sub-clone of Inshorts where I have implemented a viewpager2 and used retrofit library to hit the news API and get the news with pagination . I have used PageTransformer Class to do the animation while sliding through the viewpager2.
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Sample Android app using MVVM, Coroutines, Retrofit2
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Spooky VideoGames Database Android App with MVVM Pattern
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Android App developed with Kotlin under MVP architecture
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Seen client example in java.