Projects with this topic
将您保存在网易云音乐、QQ音乐等在线音乐平台的歌单数据,转换成本项目支持的本地音乐播放器(如Salt Player、APlayer、Poweramp等)可识别的歌单格式,完成歌单的导入操作,方便您快速从在线音乐平台迁移歌单到本地音乐播放器。Convert song list data saved by users in online music platforms such as NetEase Cloud Music, QQ Music, etc. to the song list format recognised by local music players supported by this project (e.g. Salt Player, APlayer, Poweramp, etc.), and then complete the import operation of the song list, so that it is convenient for users to quickly migrate song lists from online music platforms to local music players.
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Open source portfolio app (Android, Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger2, Retrofit2, RxJava, Kotlin Coroutines, Data Binding, CI/CD) App shows network connection information (external/internal IP's, ISP name and location) and performs download/upload speed test.
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My Reactive Programming learning using Spring Boot Webflux, and Kotlin.
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A simple application that lets you browse pictures and gifs of cats, store your favourites and share them with friends.
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A simple Weather Application that uses AccuWeather's API.
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"BioEye Test" is an Android application developed with Kotlin and follows the MVVM architecture. This application serves the purpose of determining lighting conditions using the device's light sensor, capturing frames from the device's camera using the CameraX Jetpack Library, integrating with Google ML Kit face recognition, saving a boolean indicating face recognition flag in a CSV file for each frame, and presenting a summary of the results to the user.
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Project used for our Annual Project work as a mobile application for our users platform.
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Project all you canteen android. Aplikasi mobile untuk melakukan transaksi di kantin Telkom University. Sistem payment yang diimplementasikan adalah "Pay at table"
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In this project, I learned how to use Retrofit to make a network call. I have an open API for movie rating and displayed a list of movies in recycler view. By clicking on a particular movie, the user gets detailed info on the next screen.
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In this project I have stored user basic info like name , email and phone no. using Room Database and perform CRUD operation in it. Topics Covered - kotlin Coroutines, Room Database, MVVM architecture, Recycler view
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In this project, I have made a sub-clone of cricbuzz where I have use the room database to store info of players that the user adds. Here I have used MVVM architecture with live data. The user will add a player image using the gallery. The app includes features like marking player favorite and separate section for the batsman, bowler, and favorite based on the inputs given at the time of adding a player.
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This project was given to me as an Assignment wherein I made an app that takes a list of mobile products which I needed to fetch through an API and shows them in a recycler view and when a user selects a product, it goes to a cart i.e, stored in a room database and then when user clicks checkout button in cart it show a progress bar in next screen and finally Product is Purchased in next screen.
I implemented MVVM architecture, LiveData, Kotlin, Kotlin Coroutines, Retrofit, Room Database in this project.
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In this project I have a sub-clone of Inshorts where I have implemented a viewpager2 and used retrofit library to hit the news API and get the news with pagination . I have used PageTransformer Class to do the animation while sliding through the viewpager2.