Projects with this topic
ROS package to convert angles and poses using industrial robots conventions
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C++ source code for LiDAR Compensation.
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A ROS package demonstrating Fanuc robots moving
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A ROS package that uses rosinstall / wstool
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Boid flocking simulation using gazebo simulator and ros
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CI/CD tools for ROS using Gitlab
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Foundation image used in ROS CI/CD applications
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ROS package for Cypress / NIT camera HDR camera
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Sensors and sensing course in Kazan Federal University 2018/2019
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Computer Engineering Final Year Project EG4301 System Integration for Poseidon - Autonomous Plant Watering Robot
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This project gives a hands-on tutorial on ROS using Python as a language of choice. This repository is complementary to the website:
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Ensenso automatic extrinsic calibration
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Using a TurtleBot and ROS, I implemented in Python a script for the TurtleBot to be able to navigate around a maze. Rviz was used for the mapping of the maze. OpenCV was used to detect and identify posters in the maze.
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Docker-Project: This project is used to generate a docker image containing a basic ROS setup to develop on any host PC you want. For hardware accelleration the nvidia-docker package is used.