Projects with this topic
Jugendforscht projekt in wich a robotic arm is controlled by your movement infront of a camera that is using mediapipe to get the correct angles
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C++ library to create Fanuc programs (.LS) for robots
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Tools and programs for additive manufacturing on industrial robots
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Proyecto del robot asistente Marysol
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Draw graphs from ROS topics values in RViz
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Репозиторий с описанием задания и заготовкой для начала решения
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Remote Desktop with ROS. Rviz, Gazebo, monitoring and other GUI for your robot ecosystem.
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GitLab CI for Robot Operating System projects
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Alphabot2 simulation in ROS
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A grinding application with a Fanuc robot making use of the Bezier package
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A navice obstacle avoidance technique in ROS and Gazebo
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ROS RoboDK post processors
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Qt GUI to export ROS bag topics to files (CSV and/or video)
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ROS desktop install files demonstration
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Robot Web Tools URDF display test:
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ROS package demonstrating how to generate URDF files from XACRO files at compile time
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A bash script that helps creating local releases for ROS packages
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Display topics values in a RViz plugin