Projects with this topic
Open source portfolio app (Android, Kotlin, MVVM, Dagger2, Retrofit2, RxJava, Kotlin Coroutines, Data Binding, CI/CD) App shows network connection information (external/internal IP's, ISP name and location) and performs download/upload speed test.
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The "queens" puzzle in Scala programming language
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Kotlin Sample Using (Dagger2,DataBinding,MVVM,Room,Offline First,Open Street Map,Clean,RxJava,RxKotlin,Navigation Com) Is For My Resume And Sample Work This Project Have Different Branch 'Offline_First' Branch Is Complete Project And Always Updating
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A one stop project for examples of using the ReactiveStreams MongoDB driver with RxJava.
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A Gradle plugin which pre-configures Java projects with an assortment of plugins and managed dependency versions for modern Java development.
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Spooky VideoGames Database Android App with MVVM Pattern
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Android App developed with Kotlin under MVP architecture
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