Projects with this topic
My personal dotfiles for my user profile.
Mirrored from:
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The "queens" puzzle in Scala programming language
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Java based build container with Docker Engine, Maven, Gradle, SBT, and Ant installed. Docker engine is included to help make it sutable as a base contaier in a CI pipeline to build other containers.
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk 11 and sbt.
This project is a mirror of
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk 17 and sbt.
This project is a mirror of
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Get familiar with Scala language and check out how powerful it can be.
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Scala 2 + ZIO + Log4j2 + http4s + cats + circe + sttp tapir
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Creation of a docker container providing jdk 8 and sbt.
This project is a mirror of
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CLI tool to manage, edit and create topic configurations in Kafka.
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Kafka Workhop demo application. Showing producers, consumers and stream processing.
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This project contains a sample application to test Apache Spark and Cassandra. This collection contains the Scala source code together with the CQL code for the data schema.
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SBT plugin for interacting with GitLab and GitLabCI through the available API's. The project is also mirrored to github
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A simple app with tests to demonstrate Gitlab CI for Scala/SBT projects.
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