Projects with this topic
My dotfiles and installation/configuration scripts
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Microsoft bing rewards search automation
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[PERSONAL] A script to quickly get multiple distros under distrobox up and running (previously was for crostini)
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The MirrorCommand project provides scripts to enable command control of the MagicMirror system over a local network.
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This project to learn associate in database with sequalize.
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Aplicativo para Generar QR personalizados
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Script para instalar Interfaz grafica con openbox en devuan
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This repository is deprecated. New repository:
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- - full open source web/mobile social network APP script.
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A Python script that monitors and logs the status of the network, utilizing "ping".
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Instala y Configura en Fedora GNU/Linux todo el entorno y personalización del usuario de acuerdo a mis gustos, enfocado a desarrollo web. Actualmente está fusionado en:
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