Projects with this topic
Display notices in WordPress admin area.
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Fast deployment, easy configurable admin panel for Laravel
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Kisphp platform admin framework bundle
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Core library of model classes for a martial arts school management system. The design is intended to be both presentation and storage agnostic. The model is intended to be extendable.
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A full-stack portfolio for developers featuring admin login, customizable design, and user-friendly content management. Built with Next.js, React.js, TailwindCSS, Aeternity UI, Cloudinary, MongoDB, Prisma, Express.js, and Node.js...
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the Admin portal for ApiOpenStudio. Here, you can manage your teams, users, clients and create/update and delete resources. This will be deprecated in the near future and will be replaced by
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Like the EssentialsX spigot plugin but using modded GUIs. (Also, no external code is used in the making of this project)
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Docker image for the production installation of ApiOpenStudio Admin
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Grist is the evolution of spreadsheets.
Mirroring from
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The studio as admin, backend for the Drillu application, Build using the sanity CMS and doing a lot of customization
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Repository contains useful tricks and configuration tips for administrators
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Webshop (admin) built with PHP 8 & Symfony 5. This is a hobby project with some features that are mainly for experimenting/learning (that are overkill for this project for example).
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Inspinia admin theme ported to Vue.js 2
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A platform for keeping track of rescue animals, scheduling vet appointments (with notification reminders) and managing applications for becoming a foster carer or adopting an animal.
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Limit sessions by authenticated users in django
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Admin panel based on Bootstrap 4