Projects with this topic
A GitLab CI process for the semantic release process. Automates releases based on structured commit messages.
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Semantic release configuration used by the various HTML-validate packages
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An example project that uses semantic-release to automate the publishing of NPM packages to GitLab's Package Registry
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A shareable configuration for Commitlint for projects maintained by the Ethima organization.
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Semantic release for GitLab
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🚀 The official GitHub plugin, modified to accept repositoryUrl as a parameterUpdated -
A semantic-release plugin for that supports both regular and Poetry projects
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Semantic Release Docker Container
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Basic NPM package to jumpstart creation and publication of production grade NPM modules.
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Calculate the next semantic version without any config
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Highly automated, up-to-date, and well-documented repository template. Checks for common problems, Markdown, YAML, Bash, formats, lints, and tests before committing or pushing so you don't have any surprises at CI or when releasing your code to GitLab and GitHub!
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Determines the impact of a branch on a potential semantic release relative to another branch.
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Presentation about terraform modules, github actions and semantic release integration.
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Setting up a dockerized Nuxt app built by Gitlab pipeline
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Gitlab-CI templates to include in others projects.
Tools : Semantic-release
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A project for testing semantic-release.
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Opinionated configuration for semantic-release
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A boilerplate node project using semantic-release
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A wrapper for husky, git-cz, and semantic-release to unleash the united thrust these gems provide.