Projects with this topic
Semantic release configuration used by the various HTML-validate packages
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An example project that uses semantic-release to automate the publishing of NPM packages to GitLab's Package Registry
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A shareable configuration for Commitlint for projects maintained by the Ethima organization.
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🚀 The official GitHub plugin, modified to accept repositoryUrl as a parameterUpdated -
A semantic-release plugin for that supports both regular and Poetry projects
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Basic NPM package to jumpstart creation and publication of production grade NPM modules.
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Determines the impact of a branch on a potential semantic release relative to another branch.
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Setting up a dockerized Nuxt app built by Gitlab pipeline
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Opinionated configuration for semantic-release
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A boilerplate node project using semantic-release
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A wrapper for husky, git-cz, and semantic-release to unleash the united thrust these gems provide.