Projects with this topic
Integrations or scripts should not be installed directly on the IP Fabric VM unless directly communicated from the IP Fabric Support or Solution Architect teams. Any action on the Command-Line Interface (CLI) using the root, osadmin, or autoboss account may cause irreversible, detrimental changes to the product and can render the system unusable.
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My Team and I created an Employee Wellness and Wellbeing Application using ServiceNow.
Employee happiness and mental wellbeing had a negative link with staff turnover and a substantial positive correlation with customer loyalty.
So we made an application for employee Wellness and Wellbeing the outcome was to create a single location where employees can get wellness activities, tips, resources and information . Schedule or book fun and group activities, Improve employee satisfaction and effectiveness and also Automate all steps possible from requesting to fullfillment. This would generate value for the company - “Happy Employees = Higher turnover” and reduce Customer churn as “Happy staff equals greater service extended to Customers”.
My Task was to create the Service Portal, Announcement, Guided Tour and implement the Virtuial Agent.
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Example pipeline.yaml for your ServiceNow CI/CD pipeline building on GitLab.
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ServiceNow - Service Portal Widget - Tracker Button