Projects with this topic
Novimatrem's site of things and words. - License: code is GNU GPL v3, content is CC BY-SA 4.0
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Personal Web Page | Alejandro A. Torassa
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Novimatrem's blog of words and things. - License: code is original license of projects I used (and/or GPL v3 for my own code), content is CC BY-SA 4.0
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Site web de streaming de films et de séries type Netflix, Disney +...
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Silssig is a static site generator, written in Dart and designed to be used with GitHub/GitLab pages and similar services.
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Site web Sporttrack crée dans le cadre des cours de développment web au BUT Informatique de Vannes
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My personal web page.
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Redirects to my website:
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My public knowledge base, notes, and website at
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This is a simple web page where you can announce whatever you want or plenty of other things.
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The purpose of this project is to help people with finding the right wiki's quickly. People will be able to add wiki's, they will also have to add some tags so that people can find the right wiki's easily. This project will use the GNU GPL license.
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Gutenberg template Demo -
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My personal home page, using SASS, Coffeescript, Handlebars.js, GSAP, and Sizzle.js.
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