speech recognition
Projects with this topic
This project provides a client package and example scripts to access the alphaspeech pro ASR APIs.
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This repository aims at archiving the code used during the performance ECPC 2022 that took place at the Paris Fine Art School with the collaboration of IRCAM.
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Бот голосовой помощник для преобразования аудиофайлов в текст.
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本 Python 應用程式,提供使用者透過麥克風的輸入語音,要求系統在網頁瀏覽器當中,開啟並顯示特定網站的首頁。
所以,本 Python 應用程式,具備以下的功能:
1. 辨識中文語音,成為文句。 2. 判斷文句所對應的網站名稱。 3. 系統嘗試開啟並顯示特定網站的首頁。Updated -
Kaldi recipe for Ouluvs2 dataset!!! https://klampropoulos.gitlab.io/oulu_kaldi_exps/
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Originally forked from Pannous's tensorflow-speech-recognition project (https://github.com/pannous/tensorflow-speech-recognition) (2017-05-28)