Projects with this topic
TouchGFX demo using a NUCLEO-F446RE board and a 128x64 pixel monochrome OLED with an SH1106 driver over SPI.
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Simple test project to use wiznet 5500 ethernet module with custom stm32 (but in this case smt32f407zg)
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Simple code template to test is keyboard (button matrix) 4x4 works fine
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Simple test project to check is diplay connected right
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Raw supply, based on tranzistors, code
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Raw code for supply with current and voltage regulation
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Raw version of robohand controller, that recieves data from android device and controlls servos connected to pins
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Simple STM32 Cube IDE project that blinks led when some data recieved in bluetooth HC-05 module
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This is a sample code that reflects my coding style. This is a data logger project using STM32CubeMX, Keil, FreeRTOS, and CMSIS designed to be run on an STM32 platform. I try to implement it as a modular and reusable code, which can be used in other projects ;) Notice: No refactoring and MISRA-C rule check has been performed for this project, due to the lack of time. So you can find some violent actions on pointers or lack of the asserting cases in that code.
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HAL STM32Cube drivers for all stm32 series with unnecessary files stripped (only needed c files left)