Projects with this topic
Generates video and subtitles previews, small animations (gif, webp,...), screenshots, thumbnails, etc.
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Songs from Soramimi karaoke are stored here.
This is NOT a Karaoke Mugen Base. This is used as a space to store these until they're imported in Karaoke Mugen
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Karaoke Mugen song database
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Rédaction de sous-titres & Alignement et étude des pratiques de traductions dans les bi-textes
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Script tool to automatically extract japanese subtitles from videos and create / convert them to timed .ass subtitle files with furigana and in romaji
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Machine Learning powered live captions application for Android.
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一款基于 Echo 的用于无声系虚拟主播直播的仿视觉小说对话框 OBS 插件
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Simple CLI tool that translates subtitles from files.
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Convert Youtube's TTML subtitle files to plain text
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Transcribe any audio to text with an easy UI. Powered by OpenAI's Whisper, LibreTranslate, Sveltekit and Golang.
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CZ titulky k anime The World's First Love: Proposal (2020) / Sekaiichi Hatsukoi: Propose-hen
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CZ titulky k anime Dramatical Murder (2014)
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Automated subtitles management for lazy subbers.
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Python script to shift the timecodes (or block numbers) for entries in a .srt format subtitle file.
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A script to automatically translate subtitles with Google Translate
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This project was replaced by the cross-platform version at
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Python 3 script that converts WebVTT files to SubRip.
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