Projects with this topic
DERANDERE. Technology, IT, software development. PipetBot-A8 - A DIY lab robot made from 3D printer, its firmware Marlin2ForPipetBot and the lab robot control software GGCGen with its Opentrons-compatible backend pyotronext.
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A blog where I write about stuff :)
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Website built from the ground up where I share my thoughts.
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Tugas dari kel 2 technopreneursip
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Fanzines hechos por perro tuerto.
Descarga: https://gitlab.com/prolibreros/pubs/perrozines/-/tree/master/pdf
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All tasks, exams, tutorials and assignments for Tech for web applications course at Western Sydney University 2020 AUT
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The official blog for the Legal Repository
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The front-page for the Legal Repository