Projects with this topic
Рабочий сервис генерации продолжения текста песни по короткой фразе на основе текстов песен группы Metallica
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The deep learning model and backend of SmartIntentNN
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TF-CCTV is a Coral compatible Tensorflow model designed to process CCTV footage. Moved to Codeberg
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Mobile app for food recognition
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Build a Bitcoin predictive model. (Inputs : Klines, Google Trend data. Future inputs implementation : Liquidations data)
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Statistical web application which not only allows to analyze coivd spread with interactive map and tons of indicators presented on charts, but also predicts daily cases, deaths etc for future days.
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Interactive xp using your eyes blinking to navigate between music artists. Webcam required
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[Experiment] Mask / filter your face while on a video call / browsing the web with a virtual camera.
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Tensorflow - Google Assistant - Politeknik Negeri Jakarta