Projects with this topic
Some small extensions for JUnit 5
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Gradle plugin for testing <pre>{@ code...}</pre> blocks in JavaDocs
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Docker extension for jUnit tests
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Clustering and rescheduling algorithms for the Social Internet of Energy. Related scientific manuscripts: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8784194 https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/20/13/3704
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Ejemplo de camel con la version 3.19 y JDK 18.
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A full example of sending an email using testcontainers and a mock smtp server.
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Simple compare test results with a persisted serialized value in the file system with a standard file location. Version for Jackson and Jaxb.
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A Docker container environment for building and testing Java applications using Gradle interactively with a real-time editable project.
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This is a very minimalist push notifications service implementation for iOS as Spring-Boot REST controller.
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A class I followed about modelling and verifying a lock in UPPAAL.
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A Gradle plugin which pre-configures Java projects with an assortment of plugins and managed dependency versions for modern Java development.
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UT Software Testing F97 Project 5
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