Projects with this topic
Compare two CSVs - with ludicrous speed. The fastest CSV-diffing library in the world
🚀 . Written in Rust🦀 .Updated -
Compare Python dictionaries, lists and other objects convenient and readable.
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Simple file synchronization tool that compares files blockwise and replaces different bytes
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Compare and patch two regular- or device- files block by block
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Text diff algorithm based on "An O(NP) Sequence Comparison Algorithm" from Sun Wu, Udi Manber and Gene Myers
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Simple compare test results with a persisted serialized value in the file system with a standard file location. Version for Jackson and Jaxb.
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Asteria is an open source software that compare two columns inside a sheet in an excel file. The result of this compare is written in an other excel with three diferents sheet (Common Cell, No Common Cells AvsB and No Common Cell BvsA)
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A library to render diffs in CLI using ANSI control codes
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Calculates and shows stats about how simular 2 texts are.
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Overview multiple ical Calendar's (e.g. from booking systems). only full day-Events
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GUI to visualize difference between multiple images