Projects with this topic
A wide range of scripts for Windows interpreter (cmd.exe) and other interpreters such as bash shell (.sh), visual basic (.vbs), jscript (.js), python (.py), perl (.pl) and so on. Plus some set of standalone console utilities and tools aside other utilities and tools from cygwin, msys and mingw. •
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RoboPigeon is a ruby dsl that helps you automate tasks in your ci pipelines. Specifically it has tools that help you work with merge requests, jira, gitlab, and slack to do approvals, tagging, and notifications.
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GNATGPR is the swiss knife for GPR projects. It allows the user to query a GNAT GPR project file content, from the console or a dedicated Ada API
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A repository of useful tools, scripts, and information for developing on the Celo ecosystem.
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La page web de know-rmandie
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🛡 ️ Le chiffrement contre la surveillance de masse globaleUpdated -
Bash library to enhance your terminal, and manage repositories + data-syncs.
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Core matlab toolbox, analysis tools, and C++/Mex helper library.
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Collezione di esercizi per i vari corsi
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[Jekyll] EzAF homepage and catalog.
Updated - Resources for Independent Web-Workers: SEO, Publishing, Git, GitHub Pages, Indieweb, Ubuntu Linux, and Static Site Generators.
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Docker containers for the stuff I need and you might find useful too.
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Libre Graphics Meeting 2016: A quest for a Git visualizing tool for designers