Projects with this topic
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Starter sample, to illustrate Gtk use via Glade with Ada in VSCode on Linux Mint
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Starter sample, to illustrate GtkAda use in VSCode on Linux Mint
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Starter sample, to illustrate GtkAda integration in VSCode on Linux Mint
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Starter sample, to illustrate compile/bind/link/execute steps in VSCode on Linux Mint
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GNATGPR is the swiss knife for GPR projects. It allows the user to query a GNAT GPR project file content, from the console or a dedicated Ada API
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resurrect the GCC GNAT Ada 83 VMS compiler for OpenVMS ia64-hp-openvms
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GTK example programs from original GTK repository ported to Ada/GNAT/GtkAda.
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A text-to-HTML converter using Wiki Creole format, a lightweight markup language. See .