Projects with this topic
A collection of services that are designed to handle the various functionalities of the trading system.
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A collection of libraries that enable seamless integration with various exchanges.
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Digital coins and online trading facilities for currencies that are fully backed in sustainable forms of value:
Sensible Taler Bullion for precious metals Sensible Taler Energy for tradable energy Sensible Taler Focus for human attention Sensible Taler Dinosaur for unexcavated fossil fuelsUpdated -
A free, interactive social investing platform where traders can track, share, or copy trades in real-time with extensive insights on every position & in-depth performance stats. Discover & follow top traders to receive live notifications of their trades, or compete against the best & climb the leaderboards.
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NVSTly is a free interactive social investing platform where retail traders can track, share, or copy trades in real-time with extensive insights on every position & in-depth performance stats- supporting all financial markets. Discover & follow top ranked investors to receive real-time notifications of their trades, or compete against the best & climb the leaderboard.
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NVSTly is a free interactive social investing platform where retail traders can track, share, or copy trades in real-time with extensive insights on every position & in-depth performance stats- supporting all financial markets. Discover & follow top ranked investors to receive real-time notifications of their trades, or compete against the best & climb the leaderboard.
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A command line interface for discretionary traders / manual - hybrid trading with a powerful order design system for Binance + FTX. For manual traders who prefer a keyboard over using a mouse. Mostly to gain a speed advantage over everyone else.
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In 1960s, at Chicago Mercantile Exchange there was only one calculator. A man whose name was Harvey. This is a bot to help you think about your investments.
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A C++ client for dYdX v4 API THIS IS A MIRROR
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The Open Trading System- OTraSys: An open source framework to create trading systems. Written in C.
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Programmable trading bot for crypto assets
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fantasy cryptocurrency exchange for irc
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Degiro trading account importer for Beancount
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A wrapper for the Robinhood API
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Unofficial Trading APIs for FinvAsia Shoonya Web Platform, a help for algo traders
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Асинхронный REST-клиент для API Finam:
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Trading expert advisor done in MQL5 with the FXCM REST API library. With AutoHotKey bots for MetaTrader 4.0