Projects with this topic
A collection of multi-dimensional data structures and indexing algorithms.
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I am helping Alice to modify the auto-complete feature on her phone to display only one word, along with its definition and the number of words in the dictionary that have the same prefix as the entered word. She has a dictionary containing English words, their frequencies, and definitions.
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A Java Implementation for a Double Array Trie.
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Pure Python implementation of Trie (prefix tree) demo made with Flask.
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Pure Python implementation of Trie (prefix tree).
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Wheel for
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Creates a database mapping files to a package. Implemented via a trie.
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My implementation of first, smaller task from Individual Programming Project course on my first year of undergrad at University of Warsaw. The task is about maintaining equity classes of strings and their prefixes.
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𐂷 Efficiently Store and Query 'IPv4' Internet Addresses with Associated Data
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Trabalho final para a disciplina de Classificação e Pesquisa de Dados em 2016/01