Projects with this topic
Lazy layouts for Compose HTML
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Decouple your design system from your multiplatform UI
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Tharsis UI is a modern, fast, and user-friendly frontend written in TypeScript using ReactJS. Powered by GraphQL and WebSockets, it provides real-time information about changes to your Terraform infrastructure.
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Material3 reimplementation on top of Compose for HTML
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Skeleton project to get up and running in Angular alongside the SKAO guidelines and best practices including testing, linting, CI/CD pipelines, universal directory layout etc
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Minimal multiarch ngoduykhanh/wireguard-ui Alpine docker image, updated by GitLab Mirroring & CI/CD.
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Base image with some boilerplate code to use in Docker builds for UI modules - basically just a server that is container-orchestration aware
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GUI for debugging nats streaming server.
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Add a declarative gtk user interface to a set of command line programs
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React UI for Lightning Pay API, using WebLN
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A modern C++ UI toolkit for Linux with a Blender 3D user interface look