Projects with this topic
Set of libraries extending the Qt model-view framework
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Synth Panels Designer is a free extension for INKSCAPE 1 software. With SPD you can design Synthesizers an Electronic Musical Instruments UI combining over 140 parameters to create panels, knobs, sliders and professional grade scales.
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Runtime environment for software projects developed by the Department of Structural Mechanics at the Institute of Lightweight Structures of the German Aerospace Center. It uses a customized Jupyterlab instance as its graphical user interface.
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Projet de système de recommandation de films (avec UI) mené dans le cadre du cours "Connaissances et raisonnement" à CentraleSupélec (spécialisation IA).
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It's a QML implementation, but without qt, and without js
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[Freezed] Tabletop game partner search helper
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UI Testing with Selenium for the TestArena website
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Write your Web UI using Python transpiled to JS using Transcrypt.
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A library to output rich text into a console using ECMA escape sequences
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A UI for local Kubernetes clusters created with k3d
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Find all the duplicates in a given directory and remove the ones you don't want anymore.
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A modern C++ UI toolkit for Linux with a Blender 3D user interface look