Projects with this topic
A kanban-based application to learn and advance my knowledge in React and tauri.
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Generic react project template for quick start. It's a combination of Vite, React, TypeScript and Chakra UI.
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You can do anything
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For a given challenge as a readme.png within root directory, it's aimed to develop React-Vite-Redux-TypeScript-MUI-SASS single page application.
It presents default search result and allows users to search with 3 different criterias while paginating results.
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OnRoad is a platform where users can anonymously contribute vehicle prices which helps the community get real and transparent pricing. Its USP is the complete breakdown of prices and hidden charges which separates it from the competition.
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Resolución de la prueba técnica por parte del equipo técnico de Cleverpy Machine Learning, con el objetivo de ampliar el conocimiento sobre las capacidades del entrevistado, así como su manera de trabajar y abarcar la resolución de problemas.
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Vite + React + VSCode + TypeScript(+SWC) + Tailwind CSS application sample.
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Это веб приложение основанное на методе «Помодоро». Приложение написано на React с использованием Typescript, Tailwind, Shadcnui и со стейт-менеджером Recoil. В качестве сборщика использовался Vite.
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Todo list with your profile
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This is WYSIWYG editor for Discord Embeds
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