Projects with this topic
AmberCrt-ish, but with borders and with matching colors in Activity- and Side-bars. Inspired by various amber CRT monitors, and based around the color #FFBF00 AKA hsl(44, 100%, 50%).
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The Void Zero theme for Visual Studio Code
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This Visual Studio Code extension is a fork of @alxnull's extension supporting Microsoft's Small Basic language; it instead supports Small Visual Basic (sVB), a derivative of Small Basic.
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This Visual Studio Code extension is a fork of @microhobby's extension supporting Gambas 3 language.
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This Visual Studio Code extension is intended to support ASharp.Net (A#), which is Ada 2005 for .Net, with some syntax highlighting.
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This Visual Studio Code extension supports XSharp.Net (X#) with some syntax highlighting and code snippets. It is a (nearly) direct fork of 'xsharp-lang' in the 'vscode-xsharp-syntax' repository by Infominds Ag.
However, that instance did not provide any snippets, so I decide to make one. This extension is based on that extension's current syntax (v1.0.3) which is for the current XLang (2.16).Updated -
This Visual Studio Code extension supports JSharp.Net (J#) with some syntax highlighting.
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Forestish color theme for VSCode, Codium, AzureDataStudio and Code-OSS.
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Bergy-ish, but with borders and with contrasting colors in Activity- and Side-bars. Inspired by Bergy. Forked from Sneakersish and made gray.
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Pippish, like 'Fallout Pip Boy Retrowave dark' but with more borders, some more contrasting areas, matching badges, and modified scroll bar sliders.
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Nevadaish, but with borders and with some modified contrasts. Inspired by Nevada by Michael Lee.
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Zeddish, like Zed Theme but with borders and with matching colors in Activity- and Side-bars.
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Coffeeish color theme for VSCode, Codium, AzureDataStudio and Code-OSS.
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Summerish color theme for VSCode, Codium, AzureDataStudio and Code-OSS.
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Tropicalish, but with borders and with matching colors in Activity- and Side-bars. Inspired by other tropical drink themes.
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Nightingaleish color theme for VSCode, Codium, AzureDataStudio and Code-OSS. Inspired by / forked from Nightingale from @aadesh ( but with tweaks to additional elements.
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VSCode / VSCodium / *Code-OSS / AzureDataStudio color theme that is in the style of a popular toy, with borders and with matching colors in Activity- and Side-bars.
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VSCode / VSCodium / *Code-OSS / AzureDataStudio color theme that is a Light theme in solarized off-white, with borders and with matching colors in Activity- and Side-bars.
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Gitlab Merge Request Helper for VS Code