Projects with this topic
A small dive in Unreal Engine 5 and VR. This project was made for a course. The original idea was about having bowling in a Sword And Sorcery environment. For scope reasons, a lot of things weren't added.
The ambient music is Dungeon Ritual from Pen Of Chaos
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A project created as a portfolio for an Unreal Engine developer
Game mechanics and components of this repository: The game features several puzzles and small mechanics, such as cameras, item carrying, time reversal, and mini-games like "21."
P.S. The focus was on mechanics rather than visuals.
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This project was created as a portfolio for an Unreal Engine developer.
The game is a third-person shooter with a mission type focused on clearing out enemies. The player must engage in combat with opponents. Here are the key game mechanics:
Game Mechanics: Ammo Pickup via Actors: The game features an ammo pickup system implemented through a Blueprint actor. The number of bullets collected and the weapon type they belong to can be configured directly in the actor’s properties. Ranged Enemies: These enemies inherit from a base actor. They can either patrol the area randomly or move along a spline, which is set up using a special Blueprint actor with a spline mesh. Realistic Sound Effects: Both ranged enemies and the main character produce different sounds when shooting at specific objects, enhancing the immersion of gunfights. Camera Switching: The player can change the camera position with a key press, allowing them to adapt their view to different situations and improve visibility. Ability System & Firearm Mechanics: Two separate systems have been implemented—one for character abilities (Ability System) and another for firearms. These mechanics are contained within different actor components, ensuring flexibility and scalability. Game Settings: The game includes adjustable graphics, sound, and keybind settings, which can be customized through the menu for player convenience. Death Screen: Upon dying, a widget appears, offering the player a choice to restart the mission or return to the main menu. P.S. The focus was primarily on mechanics rather than visuals.
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UrT 5 maps by Blumentopf
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Online Multiplayer shooter game with different game modes!
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First Unreal project using blueprints
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same as but with larger free space for .lfs files
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Runner creado en Unreal Engine 5 como proyecto académico para el Curso de Especialización de Videojuegos del Institut Sabadell.
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PSX Retro Asset & Shader Pack for Unreal Engine
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Top down shooter tutorial on Unreal Engine 5 following Gamedev Teacher course:
Technology: Unreal Engine (5.1.1)
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