web application
Projects with this topic
sharee.bike open-source bike-sharing software goes public. Sharing bikes with COPRI-operator server-instances and sharee.bike App. Connect all together to get a wide network of bike sharing opportunities
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Pure web quiz application without framework, libraries, or external dependencies.
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ICL : Intellisrc Common Library : This library can help you to write less code and speedup the development of your next great application. It is particularly designed to accomplish most of the common tasks required by backend services.
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Java web application for personal beer management
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A libre web app to design lighting diagrams for cinema and photography. https://lighting-designer.app/
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Web application to manage a fleet of ship for an organization.
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A web application supports for the organization/expert to build up & sell the quiz practice services, supports the user to search register-and-access online subjects for practicing.
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The world's premier task-management application!
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A simple and fast data structure to help implement a hierarchical permissions system in a JavaScript app.
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This project aims to develop a Semantic Knowledge Driven On-demand Data Offerings for Quarriable Smart City Data Marketplace https://iotgarage.net/projects/SynchroniCitySmartHomeData.html
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Cloud Artist is a vector graphics editor based on cloud for professionals.
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My first full stack project. This website enables to create, update, delete, filter and display items in a hypothetical warehouse.
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The "Szww" Project is an Internet System for Departmental Events Management.
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Aplicação web que funciona como sistema supervisor do projeto busComfort.
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This project developed an crowdsourcing platform that allows to dissect and compare IoT products. For more details: http://iotgarage.net/projects/CrowdsourcedIoTProductsDissecting
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This project develops a user study platform that allows capturing data trading preference of users. More Details: https://iotgarage.net/projects/UnderstandingIoTDataTradingPreferences.html
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Search, track and summarize simulation jobs. CAE Job Diary is a web application to help staying organized when a lot of jobs need to be handled.
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This is a Ruby on Rails web application which I made as an assignment for one of my university modules. It is a web application for my favourite comedy club.