Projects with this topic
WebSocket proxy that allows clients to produce and consume messages from topics in Apache Kafka. Documentation can be found at https://kpmeen.gitlab.io/kafka-websocket-proxy/
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ICL : Intellisrc Common Library : This library can help you to write less code and speedup the development of your next great application. It is particularly designed to accomplish most of the common tasks required by backend services.
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Servidor websockets para escuchar y emitir eventos en tiempo real
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supertest with added WebSocket capabilities.
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The WebSocket implementation written in TypeScript, for Node.JS
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Use Websocket and HTTP to send and receive messages to Kafka
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A C++ native extension providing utilities for WebSocket, in NodeJS.
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Project used for our Annual Project work as a dispatcher for our user web-socket request.
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Distributed application bridging Internet of Things and Web of Things featuring the actor model with Akka. Related scientific manuscripts: https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/18/2/400
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Herramienta en Vue 3 y nodejs dónde creo mis propios overlays para los streamings
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Demo application providing a query, mutation and subscription using with support for GraphQL over HTTP and Websocket
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🐍 A python project with the Flask framework consisting of making a chat in real time via the use of websocket.Updated -
This service sends update via websocket when it receives event from NATS Include releaserc.json
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Interface with mattermost, based on initial node-red-contrib-mattermost, with small modifications to allow direct access to all methods exposed in mattermost-client lib. This module requires to create a bot account on mattermost, and uses websocket f
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