Projects with this topic
Servidor websockets para escuchar y emitir eventos en tiempo real
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Market data ingress and routing micro-services
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This microservice enables users to engage in group or individual chats. It utilizes WebSocket topics to manage and create specific chat sessions.
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This microservice monitors the power consumption of each device and uses WebSockets to send alerts to users in the web application when devices exceed their monthly consumption limits.
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Use Websocket and HTTP to send and receive messages to Kafka
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Project used for our Annual Project work as a dispatcher for our user web-socket request.
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Demo application providing a query, mutation and subscription using with support for GraphQL over HTTP and Websocket
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This project is about a web application to provide a platform for gaming that runs the Mancala game as the first game on the platform as an assignment for the Bol.com company during the recruiting process.
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This service sends update via websocket when it receives event from NATS Include releaserc.json
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A standalone server to send notification (email, SMS, webhook and websocket) using RabbitMQ as broker to improve robustness
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Api NodeJS + servidor Socket IO
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A lightweight python script that will serve static content write post payload to a file for testing
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This program will constantly check for one or more http(-s), websocket or redis endpoints and notify you whenever something goes down and also when it goes up again! It will additionally expose an api with the current statuses of every endpoint.
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WebSockets with Node + Express creating a basic message and broadcast application to exemplify usage and some techniques.