Projects with this topic
Nexa cryptocurrency multi-platform personal-use wallet.
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The purpose of an XLiveLessNess-Module is to enchance some aspect of one or many GFWL Games/Titles or XLiveLessNess itself.
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Games for Windows LiveLessNess. A complete Games For Windows - LIVE (GFWL) rewrite.
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Free Pascal Compiler (FPC) lightweight (Alpine) Docker images for Linux and Windows targets
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The Amazing Game Launcher
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Package Java Applications with the Launch4j Wrapper even if the CI is not running on x86_64
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🆓 Provides a great, cross-platform starting point for developing an Ansible role🐴 Updated -
Native MacOS, Linux and Windows desktop application with 110+ carefully crafted tools for yours and your teams everyday work with sensitive data in various formats.
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A hub server for XLiveLessNess used for rebroadcasting packets and host/session information to other XLLN clients.
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Build Image(s) for Windows CI and more
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GitLab Runner is the open source project that is used to run your CI/CD jobs and send the results back to,[GroupsGitlab, MurtazaTemir7]
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Docker Container to cross compile rust binaries for Windows
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