Projects with this topic
just a projects to make thing more interesting
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A flexible XML, YAML, and JSON configuration file library that can be leveraged in a wide variety of Java projects
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Author: Hayr Hotoca |
Package URL:
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An example project to show SOAP protocol usage with Spring Boot framework.
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Map XML document to objects using StAX API.
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Software Engineering Final Project Concordia University
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This project implements the following GUI design patterns using Material Design: Vertical Stack, Infinite lists, Menus, Navigation, Feedback to the user, Master Detail Flow, Preferences Fragment and Content Providers w/SQLite (Android default)
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Application handling salary agenda based on Java and native XML database. PB138 Modern markup languages course project.
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Avro Converter enables conversion of Apache Avro object into popular data formats: JSON, XML and others
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The ONIX for Books Product Information Message is the international standard for representing and communicating book industry product information in electronic form. This is a implementation for writing onix messages with java and is based on jdom2.
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Demo project for Avro Converter Java library which enables conversion of Apache Avro object into popular data formats: JSON, XML, etc
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Strategies to represent knowledge in Computer Science.
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Project Kelas Pemrograman Perangkat Bergerak (Android) 2018