Projects with this topic
static blog or page generator with tags, i18n, source code snippets, photo galleries, Bible quotations and powerful templates
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Author: Hayr Hotoca |
Package URL:
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human language translation library for XML documents, supporting DeepL
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An example project to show SOAP protocol usage with Spring Boot framework.
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PHP Core for the ESCEP XML Workflow
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WordPress Plugin for the ESCEP CMS Workflow.
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A program which allows you to create cmdlet help based on xml comments inside your code.
This Program is still in an early state.
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Map XML document to objects using StAX API.
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Programmation et Projet Encadré 2 - L8TI005
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The ESCEP CMS Workflow connects publishing workflows across media borders seamlessly.
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Converter from the lackey Force of Will TCG database for the Cockatrice tabletop card game platform.
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Cleans up The Sims 2 game folder as well as getting rid of Stealth Neighbourhood (Nobody likes you!)