Projects with this topic
Veranstaltungskalender der LAG Soziokultur Schleswig-Holstein: "SozioKulturKalender"
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Software Engineering Final Project Concordia University
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A little game to test, how good did you know your code
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Book Information System - Read and load Book, Author from XML file and save into database using PostgreSQL and PHP and native Java script
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Custom interface for the online video game PokeMMO. Features a total visual overhaul with animations and quality of life changes. Includes an optional PowerShell monster counter.
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This is a User Defined Language (UDL) for Notepad++ to help in visualising algorithms to solve twisty puzzles.
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XMTK stands for eXtensible Markup Tool-Kit for PHP. It consist of Parser and Writer classes. The Parser transforms the result of xml_parse_into_struct() to the array containing unobtrusive data of XML. And the Writer creates XML from such arrays.
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Retrogaming gamelist.xml Editor (WIP)
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XML files for QGIS available on
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This project implements the following GUI design patterns using Material Design: Vertical Stack, Infinite lists, Menus, Navigation, Feedback to the user, Master Detail Flow, Preferences Fragment and Content Providers w/SQLite (Android default)
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A modern serialization framework for C++ built with modern, cutting-edge C++ support, and support for mapping to existing, arbitrary schemas for standard human-readable and binary formats.
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Converter for Subversion commit log XML exports to Excel XML files, preserving line breaks.
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Archived copy of Tankie Wiki database dump as of November 9, 2021 (2021-11-09).