Projects with this topic
Infrastructure-as-code project for my self-hosting hobby and more.
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This repository contains all configuration file for my workstation tools.
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Conjuntos de Scripts para Debian con el que preparar mi entorno de programación, aplicaciones, repositorios y configuraciones mediante un menú de selección
Este es un mirror de: https://github.com/raupulus/debian-developer-conf
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Arch Linux Rice with neovim with A-Z textobj + LF multimedia-sixel file manager + touchcursor-like keyboard layout + bspwm sxhkd scripts
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My personal dotfiles for Linux and other *nix systems.
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dotfiles for my Arch Linux, i3wm, zsh, neovim etc.
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custom linux config files
🍚 as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist https://git.io/.filesUpdated -
My personal configs for various linux things
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Shell related part of .files separated for ease of update
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My dotfiles: where I use i3, urxvt, vim, zsh and other stuff, mainly on Debian.