[Blog] Update order of recent posts
We would like to update the blog home page. Changing the hero section posts and the first row of recent posts.
On hero section:
- The highlighted post will still be the featured one, but instead of its category name it'll have the 'Featured post' title
- The right side posts will be the first, second, and third most recent. If one of them is the same as the hero it should be skipped to the next post.
- 'Recent Post' title will be removed and the cards will fill the rest of the column.
On Recent posts section:
- The posts should follow the order starting from the 4th position
I changed some filters applied to the home and hero components, I removed the filters that were removing the non-featured posts from the complete list and checked if the highlighted post was not repeating in the white side menu (hero section)
Closes gitlab-com/marketing/digital-experience/buyer-experience#1890 (closed)
Edited by Tieme Akamine