Move Service Desk category to SEG from Monitor:Respond group
Why is this change being made?
In August 2023 the Monitor:Respond group was disbanded and team members were reassigned to work on other top priorities such as AI integrations. There is still a SEG working on Service Desk. This MR updates stages.yml to tranfer ownership of the product category.
Merge requests with changes to stages and groups and significant changes to categories need to be created, approved, and/or merged by each of the below:
Chief Product Officer @david
The Product Director relevant to the affected Section(s) @hbenson -
The Engineering leader relevant to the affected Section(s) -
Director of Product Design @vkarnes
The following people need to be on the merge request so they stay informed:
CTO @joergheilig
Vice President of Development @clefelhocz1
Vice President of Infrastructure and Quality @meks
Director of Technical Writing @susantacker
Edited by Sam Goldstein