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Add runner_backport-deprecation warning to release post

/label release post release post item Technical Writing ~"devops::" ~"group::" /milestone % /assign @PM

Engineer(s): @engineers | Product Marketing: @PMM | Tech Writer: @TW | Engineering Manager: @EM

Please review the guidelines for content block creation at They are frequently updated, and everyone should make sure they are aware of the current standards (PM, PMM, EM, and TW).


  • Feature Issue:
  • Feature MR (optional):
  • Release post (optional):

Key dates

By the 10th: PMs should draft/submit for review ALL release post item content, whether they are feature or recurring blocks, earlier and no later than the 10th of the month.

By the 16th: All required TW reviews as well as any optional PMM and PM Director/Group Manager reviews and resulting revisions should get done no later than the 16th of the month.

By the 17th: Release post items need to be marked with the Ready label by the 17th of the month in order to make it into the current release cycle.** On the 17th, EMs will only merge items marked with the Ready label.**

Note: Drafting release post content well in advance of the 10th is highly recommended, so reviews/revisions can happen in a rolling fashion and not bottleneck against the 17th merge deadline.

PM release post item checklist

Please only mark a section as completed once you performed all individual checks!

Edited by Darren Eastman

Merge request reports
