Draft: Update templates to use PostgreSQL decompositions
I have been testing with the following values for both the globally defined database and decomposed database environments:
Global database settings
global: hosts: # domain: ghickey.eks.helm-charts.win domain: ghickey.k8s-ft.win psql: host: pg-postgresql.pg.svc database: gitlabhq_production username: postgres preparedStatements: false password: secret: gitlab-postgres key: psql-passwordpostgresql: install: false
certmanager-issuer: email: ghickey@gitlab.com
Decomposed database settings
global: hosts: # domain: ghickey.eks.helm-charts.win domain: ghickey.k8s-ft.win psql: main: host: pg-main-postgresql.pg.svc database: gitlabhq_production username: postgres preparedStatements: false password: secret: gitlab-main-postgres key: psql-main-password ci: host: pg-ci-postgresql.pg.svc database: gitlabhq_production username: postgres preparedStatements: false password: secret: gitlab-ci-postgres key: psql-ci-passwordpostgresql: install: false
certmanager-issuer: email: ghickey@gitlab.com
See Definition of done.
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Equivalent MR/issue for omnibus-gitlab opened
Closes #3009
Edited by Gerard Hickey