Ensure dependency update pipelines also include helm chart bundles
What does this MR do?
Have deps run the helm update dependencies so we get the new versions of the runner chart in the dependencies run.
Test runs:
I ran a test pipeline to test that deps still worked:
- https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/charts/gitlab/-/jobs/2529999585#L2456 (job failed for other reasons, but you can see it run the helm depenencies update
- And you could see it produce a MR with the runner chart checked in: !2601 (closed)
Related issues
Related to #3334
See Definition of done.
For anything in this list which will not be completed, please provide a reason in the MR discussion.
Merge Request Title and Description are up to date, accurate, and descriptive -
MR targeting the appropriate branch -
MR has a green pipeline on GitLab.com
Expected (please provide an explanation if not completing)
Test plan indicating conditions for success has been posted and passes -
Documentation created/updated -
Tests added -
Integration tests added to GitLab QA -
Equivalent MR/issue for omnibus-gitlab opened
Edited by Mitchell Nielsen