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Resolve "Improve batched background migration checker warning message"

Old error message:

Please finalize the {"migration_job_name"=>"BackfillFindingIdInVulnerabilities", "description"=>"Backfills finding_id column on vulnerabilities table for a proper 1:1 relation", "feature_category"=>"vulnerability_management", "introduced_by_url"=>"!130058 (merged)", "queued_migration_version"=>20231116105945, "milestone"=>"16.4", "finalize_after"=>"2023-12-15", "merge_request_id"=>"130058"} batched background migration!More info: If the batched background migration is already finalized please update the dictionary.Alternately if the migration is not ready to be finalized, please update the date in the @dfrazao-gitlab @gitlab-org/database-team/triage

New error message:

Please finalize the BackfillVsCodeSettingsUuid batched background migration!

More info:

Note: If the batched background migration is already finalized please update the dictionary.

Alternately if the migration is not ready to be finalized, please update the date in the dictionary.

cc @dfrazao-gitlab @gitlab-org/database-team/triage

Closes #141 (closed)

Edited by Diogo Frazão

Merge request reports
