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Turn the error into a full sentence

Amy Qualls requested to merge aqualls-improve-custom-hooks-message into master

@jackib posted in #is-this-known about a custom hook error (denied by custom hooks) she didn't understand:


I wasn't sure if this message would be part of groupsource code or not, so I pinged the EM of Source Code (Sean Carroll). He confirmed this message came from Gitaly, not Source Code. I've created this MR to start improving the error.

  • Old: denied by custom hooks
  • Initial proposal: Error: Denied by custom hooks.

For it to be a good error message, it should give the user a next step: either what to do, or where in the docs to look for an explanation. I know nothing about Gitaly, so I'm routing the MR over to @eread first. He might know what to add to this message, the docs, or both.

Edited by Amy Qualls

Merge request reports
