Introduce gdk config set <key> <value>
What does this Merge Request do?
This MR adds support for gdk config set <key> <value>
. When updating the gdk.yml
, unfortunately formatting, ordering and comments are not retained and so we make a backup under GDK.root/.backups
and advise the user.
Some examples:
Set string, integer and boolean
$ gdk config set port 3001
⚠️ WARNING: Your 'gdk.yml' is about to be re-written.
ℹ️ A backup will be saved at '/Users/ash/src/gitlab/gdks/gdk1/.backups/gdk.yml.20210430204435'.
ℹ️ port is now set to '3001' (previously '3002').
$ cat gdk.yml
port: 3001
$ gdk config set git.bin /usr/local/bin/new_git
⚠️ WARNING: Your 'gdk.yml' is about to be re-written.
ℹ️ A backup will be saved at '/Users/ash/src/gitlab/gdks/gdk1/.backups/gdk.yml.20210430204352'.
ℹ️ git.bin is now set to '/usr/local/bin/new_git' (previously '/usr/local/bin/git').
$ cat gdk.yml
port: 3001
bin: "/usr/local/bin/new_git"
$ gdk config set gdk.debug true
⚠️ WARNING: Your 'gdk.yml' is about to be re-written.
ℹ️ A backup will be saved at '/Users/ash/src/gitlab/gdks/gdk1/.backups/gdk.yml.20210430204417'.
ℹ️ gdk.debug is now set to 'true' (previously 'false').
$ cat gdk.yml
port: 3001
bin: "/usr/local/bin/new_git"
debug: true
$ gdk config set omniauth.github.enabled true
⚠️ WARNING: Your 'gdk.yml' is about to be re-written.
ℹ️ A backup will be saved at '/Users/ash/src/gitlab/gdks/gdk1/.backups/gdk.yml.20210430211957'.
ℹ️ 'omniauth.github.enabled' is now set to 'true' (previously 'false').
$ cat gdk.yml
port: 3001
bin: "/usr/local/bin/new_git"
debug: true
enabled: true
Detect setting the same value
$ gdk config set git.bin /usr/local/bin/new_git
ℹ️ git.bin is already set to '/usr/local/bin/new_git'.
$ gdk config set port 3001
ℹ️ port is already set to '3001'.
$ gdk config set gdk.debug true
ℹ️ gdk.debug is already set to 'true'.
Error handling
$ gdk config set
⚠️ WARNING: Usage: gdk config [<get>|set] <name> [<value>]
$ gdk config set git
⚠️ WARNING: Usage: gdk config [<get>|set] <name> [<value>]
$ gdk config set blah.blah false
❌️ ERROR: Cannot get config for 'blah.blah'.
$ gdk config set git false
❌️ ERROR: 'git' cannot be updated because its a settings block.
$ gdk config set git.bin false
❌️ ERROR: 'false' does not appear to be a valid Path.
$ gdk config set git.bin /tmp/bad
❌️ ERROR: '/tmp/bad' is a invalid value for 'git.bin'.
$ gdk config set port false
❌️ ERROR: 'false' does not appear to be a valid Integer.
$ gdk config set port test
❌️ ERROR: 'test' does not appear to be a valid Integer.
$ gdk config set gdk.debug test
❌️ ERROR: 'test' does not appear to be a valid Boolean.
Merge Request checklist
Tests added for new functionality. If not, please raise Issue to follow-up. -
This change is backward compatible. If not, please include steps to communicate to our users. -
Documentation added/updated, if needed. -
gdk doctor
test added, if needed.
Closes #939 (closed)
Edited by Ash McKenzie