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Create manifest lists for gitlab-runner-helper docker images

What does this MR do?

This MR packages up the various architecture-specific images into a manifest list. For example, v16.3.0-ubuntu would be a list referring to all of the architecture-specific variants of that tag. Similarly, the two windows versions are packaged in to v16.3.0-servercore and v16.3.0-nanoserver. The bare version, v16.3.0 would refer to the default alpine version.

Why was this MR needed?

My goal for this PR is to move toward a mutli-arch runner suite where the helper image does not need to be modified at all. Whether the runner is linux/amd64 or linux/arm64/v8, the configured image name would be the same. The only time the helper image would need to be configured is if the user wanted a different OS (I'm not yet planning on including linux and windows in one manifest), or different linux distribution/version (alpine3.13 vs alpine3.15 vs ubuntu).

What's the best way to test this MR?

With the current status, when running make release_helper_docker_images the appropriate manifest should be produced. If the images aren't being pushed, the manifest-tool yaml manifest should be printed to the log. If images are being pushed, manifest-tool will be used to push that manifest to the normal location. Manual tests could include:

  • Visual inspection of the manifest yaml to verify it matches expectation before it is pushed.
  • After the manifest list is pushed, inspecting the manifest list from the repo to verify it matches expectation.
  • Attempting to run the manifest list on various architectures to ensure the container of the appropriate architecture is selected.

What are the relevant issue numbers?


Edited by Anthony Juckel

Merge request reports
