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Clarify only owners can add group members

Lee Tickett requested to merge docs-clarify-group-permissions into master

What does this MR do and why?

During a conversation on Slack (internal) the question came up: What permissions are required to be able to add a member to a group?

Add users to a project reasonably clearly states:

The maximum role (access level) you set depends on if you have the Owner or Maintainer role for the group. For example, the maximum role that can be set is:

Owner (50), if you have the Owner role for the project. Maintainer (40), if you have the Maintainer role on the project.

But Add users to a group doesn't seem to mention anything?

Directly below, we state for Remove a member from the group:

You must have the Owner role.

So I guess the same is true for adding?

This MR clarifies the above in the docs.

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