Marks migrations as complete when creating a new index
What does this MR do and why?
Marks Elastic migrations as complete when creating indices for the first time by enabling indexing on the UI.
When creating indices using the rake task gitlab:elastic:index
, the migrations index is created and all migrations are marked as complete. This is because the index is created with the correct content, mappings and settings as if all migrations have been run.
When creating the indices by enabling indexing from the Admin > Settings > Advanced Search
UI by checking the Elasticsearch
indexing box:
the migrations index is created but is empty. This will attempt to execute the migrations and will eventually lead to all migrations being halted.
[Elastic::MigrationRecord]: Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound: [404] {\"_index\":\"gitlab-development-migrations\",\"_id\":\"20201105181100\",\"found\":false}
MigrationWorker: migration[ApplyMaxAnalyzedOffset] executing migrate method
[Elastic::Migration: 20201105181100] Migration has been deleted in the last major version upgrade.Migrations are supposed to be finished before upgrading major version .To correct this issue, recreate your index from scratch:
[Elastic::Migration: 20201105181100] Halting migration with {}
[Elastic::MigrationRecord]: Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound: [404] {\"_index\":\"gitlab-development-migrations\",\"_id\":\"20201105181100\",\"found\":false}
[Elastic::MigrationRecord]: Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound: [404] {\"_index\":\"gitlab-development-migrations\",\"_id\":\"20201105181100\",\"found\":false}
MigrationWorker: migration[ApplyMaxAnalyzedOffset] updating with completed: false
MigrationWorker: migration[ApplyMaxAnalyzedOffset] has been halted. All future migrations will be halted because of that. Exiting
See Steps to reproduce.
After updating the elasticsearch settings, we call find_or_create_elasticsearch_index
which will create all necessary indices if they don't exist. If the migrations index does not exist, we create it and then mark all the migrations as complete using ::Elastic::DataMigrationService.mark_all_as_completed!
How to set up and validate locally
- If elastic indexing is enabled, uncheck the
Elasticsearch indexing
checkbox on/admin/application_settings/advanced_search
and save. - Delete any existing development indices (
) - Check the
Elasticsearch indexing
checkbox on/admin/application_settings/advanced_search
and save. This will create new indices. - Verify that there are 30 migration records and all have complete as
:curl http://localhost:9200/gitlab-development-migrations/_search --data '{"aggs": {"completed": {"terms": {"field": "completed"}}},"size": 0}' --header "Content-Type: application/json" | jq '.aggregations | .completed | .buckets'
- [Optional] Execute the migration worker
rails runner ""
and verify that the only migration log isMigrationWorker: no migration available
[Optional] Test that if there is a migration index with a pending migration that nothing changes in the state of the migration index:
- Update one of the migration records to be not completed:
curl -X PUT http://localhost:9200/gitlab-development-migrations/_doc/20201116142400 --data '{"completed": false}' --header "Content-Type: application/json"
- Uncheck the
Elasticsearch indexing
checkbox on/admin/application_settings/advanced_search
and save. - Check the
Elasticsearch indexing
checkbox on/admin/application_settings/advanced_search
and save. - Verify that the migration record is still left as
completed: false
:curl http://localhost:9200/gitlab-development-migrations/_doc/20201116142400 | jq '."_source"'
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.
Related to #387237 (closed)