Remove unlimited members alert
What does this MR do and why?
As part of our Free User limit efforts, we recently implemented additional alerts notifying new users that they can have unlimited members during the trial period. tackled adding these in-context alert on the Invite Modal
Immediately after registration, invite modal appears.
Because this is the first experience a user has in the product we want to remove the Add unlimited members with your trial
alert from this specific modal
Screenshots or screen recordings
before | after |
How to set up and validate locally
Note: Since trials required a valid CustomersDot connection, trials can't be launched easily in a local development environment
For testing locally it's easiest to negate the logic which populates the dataset with the necessary key/json data if a trial is active which will show the alert
if !source.root_ancestor.trial_active?
dataset[:active_trial_dataset] = ::Gitlab::Json.dump(active_trial_dataset(source))
Additional steps:
- Simulate your GDK as SaaS
bin/rails c ApplicationSetting.first.update(dashboard_limit_enabled: true)
- Sign out. Visit
. Finish onboarding. - Make sure celebration modal doesn't have members alert
MR acceptance checklist
This checklist encourages us to confirm any changes have been analyzed to reduce risks in quality, performance, reliability, security, and maintainability.
I have evaluated the MR acceptance checklist for this MR.
Related to #390851 (closed)